January 4, 2016

A month of hospital visits, surgery, rehab, gift shopping and wrapping

Two weeks in the hospital for mom , two weeks in rehab a bad flu bug and she didn't get to be with us on Christmas day.  Got her into  another facility for rest ànd more therapy before going home. Stronger each week, just hope God gives me patience, and strength!

Tree up, took longer than usual not as many ornaments on this year.

Bride and groom ornament from our wedding and others collected on our honeymoon

These are my favorite ornaments , the ones my boys made when they were little including the paper ones with silver glitter initials.

Easton under the tree

Table runner gifts started before Thanksgiving

Table runner tree gift.. Luv how these came out, made 6 of them next one will be mine!

My nativity set a wedding gift that a friend had made.

Welcome to my home.. Entry way decorated.

Kitchen decorations


Snowman in the window


Mini nativity

Old Santa in ol wash basin

Tags made, my wrap station is ready to go..

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!  Sometimes we can't pick exactly how we expect things to turn out but when you keep an open mind and your heart in the right place all will be good! Remember the reason for the season, keep HIM in your heart! For he loves us all unconditionally!

2016 Thanksgiving Time!

Our guests this year will be family and a very good friend by the nàme of Mel.

Thanksgiving table set.

buffet table

Turkey in the oven. Smells so good.

We ate a wonderful dinner only to have my mom fall and break her arm. Call 911 off to the ER we go! Didn't get home till midnight no pie today!!